Bloody Christmas_peliplat
Bloody Christmas_peliplat

Bloody Christmas (1951)

None | Greece | Greek, German | 95 min
Directed by: Giorgos Zervos

Eager to reunite with his family after the end of the devastating World War II, the veteran officer of the Greek Navy, Captain Nikolas, returns to his old house, only to come face-to-face with a shocking reality. As the silver-haired landlady starts to recount the dark first months of the Nazi Occupation in Athens, a heart-wrenching story of intolerable hardship, chivalrous devotion, and heroic sacrifice for one's country unfolds, paving the way for disturbing revelations. But, where is his dear wife, Maria; his brave son, Yorgos; his beloved daughter, Eleni, and her kind fiancé, Andreas? Above all, what happened that fateful Christmas Eve of 1941?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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