Maria Pentagiotissa_peliplat
Maria Pentagiotissa_peliplat

Maria Pentagiotissa (1957)

None | Greece | Greek | 95 min
Directed by: Kostas Andritsos

Fokida, early-nineteenth-century Greece. In Pentagioi, a small village nestled in a picturesque mountainous region, Maria, also known as Maria Pentagiotissa, was the talk of the town. Indeed, Maria was not only beautiful but also fiercely independent and unconventional, much to the chagrin of the village's conservative womenfolk. Her free-spirited nature and captivating charm had many men vying for her attention, willing to go to great lengths to win her heart. However, Maria's idyllic life took an unexpected turn when she fell in love with Dimitris Tourkakis, a handsome but poor young man. Before long, the news of their clandestine affair spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of Maria's strict brother, Thanassis. As tensions mounted and tempers flared, Maria was at a crossroads. Despite the opposition from her family and the community's conservative values, would she still fight for her love?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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