The protagonist looks around a room and sees dead hostages of a killer's doing lying in pools of blood.
A photograph is later shown of the corpse in the chair with the bloody stump facing the camera.
In the beginning, a corpse is shown strapped to a chair with his right arm cut off. The bloody stump is visible and blood is seen on the corpse's mouth.
A corpse is shown in the morgue with words carved into his back shoulder and neck.
A police officer unrolls some shrubbery in a musuem and uncover a rotting corpse. The face of the corpse is shown in great detail with worms crawling out of its mouth.
The protagonist suffers from a flashback in which his son was run over by a car. The act is shown just below screen.
A naked corpse is shown seated on a corpse with his head removed., Bloodstains are shown trailing down his body. Later his death is explained.
A man is shown with his leg cut off. Blood pours from the wound as the protagonist tries to stem the bleeding. Brood squirts in the protagonist's face.
A man is thrown down the stairs. He recovers though.
It is implied that a woman has been beaten to death. Her bloody corpse is seen with blood smeared all over the walls and windows.
A rotting corpse is seen in a meat freezer. His nose is removed.
A man threatens to drop a screaming baby off a rooftop.
A man gets stabbed through the hand.
A man is electrocuted to death.
The villain is shot through the head at close range. His brains are shown flying through the back of his head before he plummets off the building.
Strong violence and gore.