My Sister Deserves a Beating_peliplat
My Sister Deserves a Beating_peliplat

My Sister Deserves a Beating (1966)

None | Greece | Greek | 77 min
Directed by: Kostas Lyhnaras

Spiros, a hard-working but underpaid office clerk, is at the end of his tether. On the one hand, his wealthy boss, the lascivious industrialist, Mr Fragopoulos, is stubbornly refusing to give him a raise, let alone give him a much-needed loan, and on the other hand, Spiros' progressive and frivolous younger sister, Marianna, thinks that she's on her way to stardom after winning a local beauty pageant. However, everything will turn upside down, when Fragopoulos and Marianna have a chance encounter. Now, the grizzled Casanova wants to win the heart of Spiros' foxy little sister, unbeknownst to him that the honest electrician and Marianna's admirer, Manolis, is not willing to take this situation lying down. Are those two meant to be together?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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