Samurai Shodown: The Motion Picture_peliplat
Samurai Shodown: The Motion Picture_peliplat

Samurai Shodown: The Motion Picture (1994)

TV-14 (US) | Japan | Japanese | 68 min
Directed by: Hiroshi Ishiodori

One hundred years after their deaths, six legendary holy warriors are reborn to seek justice against the former comrade who betrayed them into the hands of an evil god! The six warriors search the feudal province of Edo questing for the last Saint Soldier, Haohmaru, and their sworn nemesis Shirou Amakusa. Will the followers of the divine light triumph over the forces of darkness, or is history destined to repeat itself? Before their hundred-year journey has ended, six samurai will prove that the only thing stronger than their holy blades is the steel of their wills!

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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