Two scenes where a man is seen receiving oral sex from a prostitute, she is seen in a bra as her head bobbing up and down.
A scene in a very dim room where a man is under the covers performing oral sex on a woman as she is moaning. We briefly see the side of her boob as she puts a shirt on
Many sex related discussions, including virginity, prostitution, masturbation, genital size and more.
A man and woman kiss a few times. It is implied they have sex when they wake up the next morning laying in bed assumed to be naked.
Violence & Gore
Two men fight briefly.
A man gives the middle finger to someone.
Some swearing, including the "f" word. Some uses of the "n" word, including discussion about it on how it ties to racism.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
A man calls someone a "cokehead"
Characters purchase marijuana from a drug dealer, they are then seen rolling a joint and smoking it
Characters are seen smoking cigarettes throughout
Constant alcohol consumption throughout. One of the characters is a recovering, though off the wagon, alcoholic. Another is an alcoholic, but is in denial.
Some scenes where characters are seen rolling marijuana joints, smoking them and passing them around