Souls in Bondage_peliplat
Souls in Bondage_peliplat

Souls in Bondage (1916)

A (GB) | USA | None, English | 53 min
Directed by: Edgar Lewis

Rosa and Rita Brenner are sisters of directly opposite temperaments. Rosa, the elder, is quiet, home-loving, and industrious; Rita is impulsive, headstrong, and prefers to be anywhere but at home. One day Rita leaves her family and goes to the city, saying that she prefers to work and support herself, but the real reason is that she prefers the gay life of the cafés and dansants to the quiet humdrum routine of the country. Rita writes to her sister Rosa, and tells her that she is in a serious condition. Rosa answers at once and promises to be on hand when the important event takes place some time later. Rosa goes to her sister, and upon her recover, Rita again plunges into the gaiety of the café life. Upon learning Rosa has written her father that she is bringing Rita home with her, Rita leaves the city and forces Rosa to take care of the child. Rosa returns to her home, taking Rita's child with her, and leaves the child in the care of a neighbor saying that she has adopted it unbeknown to her parents, and asks that the facts be kept secret. Mrs. Coombes, Rosa's aunt and housekeeper of the Brenner home, becomes suspicious of Rosa's actions, and as Rosa goes to visit the child one day, Mrs. Coombes follows her and through the window of the neighbor's house, sees Rosa rocking the child. She at once accuses Rosa of being the child's mother, and Rosa does not deny it. Mrs. Coombes then tells Rosa's father what she has seen. Brenner rages and asks Rosa if what he has heard is true. Rosa refuses to answer, and her father turns her out of the house. Taking the child with her, Rosa returns to the city to the house where the child was born, but finds that Rita has left for parts unknown. Rosa gets a position as companion to a lady of wealth, whose son eventually falls in love with Rosa, and later marries her. Shortly after their marriage, Rosa's husband tires of her, and seeks amusement in the night life of the city. Rosa follows her husband on one of his night revels, and in a café, Rosa comes face-to-face with her sister Rita. The following day Rosa leaves the child at Rita's apartment, and thoroughly sick at heart of the world and everyone in it, goes out to devote her life to the cause of charity.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Souls in Bondage
(Original title)
Souls in Bondage
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes