The Five Faults of Flo_peliplat
The Five Faults of Flo_peliplat

The Five Faults of Flo (1916)

None | USA | None, English |
Directed by: George Foster Platt

From girlhood through marriage, Flo outgrows five major faults: pride, envy, fickleness, extravagance, and jealousy. First, she gets rid of her excessive pride when the butcher's daughter almost dies after Flo rejects her from an exclusive school club. Then, Flo covets a friend's diamond, but when the jewel is stolen and Flo is falsely accused, her envy vanishes, even though she is cleared of the charge. After her engagement, a brief flirtation almost leads to a fatal car accident that cures Flo of fickleness. Then, when Flo's extravagance comes close to ruining her father, she comes to understand that she must be careful with money. Finally, when Flo realizes that she has mistaken her husband's kindness for an affair with another woman, she loses her jealous streak, and a now-faultless Flo can settle down to a happy married life.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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