
Feathertop (1916)

None | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: Henry J. Vernot

Once upon a time there were three brothers. One longed for riches, another declared that the life of a sailor be his, while the third only wanted to grow beautiful flowers. As the boys matured into men, each followed his bent. Tom, the eldest, became owner of nurseries, also the father of a lovely girl, Elsie. Henry, the youngest, won a fortune, but not contentment. Dick found happiness in a South Sea home and a good wife, Sarah. Henry decided to pay his older brother, Tom, a visit, taking with him Grace Lawton, a society girl and a husband-seeker, and Percy Morleigh, an affected fop of to-day. The two young people with their fashionable clothes and affected manners made a deep impression upon simple-hearted Elsie; Percy was all to Elsie and flattered her until her young head was completely turned. Shortly after the visit, Elsie went to the city to spend some time with her wealthy uncle. Here she became completely inoculated with the froth and slitter of the social world. Under the guidance of Grace Lawton she developed into an ultra-society butterfly. In the meantime, Percy has made a wager that he will kiss Elsie. Elsie sent a photograph of herself in one of her most daring gowns to her gentle old father. The knowledge of what Elsie has changed into breaks her father's heart and he dies. After her father's death, Elsie becomes discontented with this simple life among the flowers. She also decides that she cannot marry Ward Roberts, who has been in charge of the nurseries for her father. Elsie's glimpse of the high life has soured her good sense. She returns to reside with her wealthy uncle and is again completely carried away with the glitter and glamour of society. The wealthy uncle dies. He has previously grown disgusted with Elsie's conduct and the girl finds that instead of inheriting her uncle's millions, her Uncle Dick has inherited the money. Elsie has been willed only a copy of the story, "Feathertop." Uncle Dick is given the money on the promise that he and his wife come to New York to live. Uncle Dick and Sarah deck themselves in wondrous array and come to New York. There Elsie takes them in hand and her own chance of inheriting some money, regains for her a social position which she has all but lost. Uncle Dick is not happy in his new environment. He makes a trip to Elsie's old home and from Ward finds out the cause of his brother Tom's death. Meantime the uncle reads the story of "Feathertop." When Elsie and her aunt return from the opera, he insists that the girl read the legacy her uncle has left her, as Dick feels that it may do more good than his has done him, for he missed the sea and the good salt air. Elsie reads the story of "Feathertop" and in her mind's eye she sees in the man of straw the pumpkin head, the social fop, Percy. Later she learns of his wager to kiss her. Completely disgusted with society and its garishness, Elsie accompanies her aunt and uncle on a trip on the schooner. There she discovers that the old people have invited Ward to be of the party and in a romantic love scene, the girl returns once more to the protection of the true man.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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