The Flower of Faith_peliplat
The Flower of Faith_peliplat

The Flower of Faith (1916)

None | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: Burton L. King

Ephram Judson is an itinerant evangelist. He is always accompanied by his daughter Ruth and his 17-year-old son Tom. They enter a community of devout Christians and hold a series of meetings. On the outskirts of the community lives Hugh Lee, an outcast. His only sister had been burned to death on her wedding day when he renounced the world and his God. Accidentally he meets Ruth Judson, the evangelist's daughter. For the first time since the tragedy, the world looks bright to him. Ruth induces him to attend the Sunday service, but in the midst of it, he pictures his sister's death, and bursts forth into a violent denunciation of religion. The worshippers are shocked and pursue him to the woods. The collection that day was large and the money is given to young Tom Judson to take to the treasurer. Tom has formed the acquaintance with the village sport, who meets him and inveigles him into a game of cards. Tom stakes the church funds and loses. The gambler turns the money over to the village grocer in payment of a bill and the distressed boy, who has witnessed the transaction, sees the grocer hide it. Tom steals the money, but is pursued and slightly wounded by the grocer. He makes his way to the only place of refuge he can think of, the cabin of Hugh Lee, the unbeliever. Tom believes he is dying and pleads for his sister. Lee fetches her at night to the cabin. Meantime the grocer has aroused the community, including the evangelist, to hunt down the thief. The boy is traced to Lee's cabin, which is attacked. Ruth, aroused, as she was from her slumber, is found in the cabin in her night clothes, but she still shields her guilty brother and Lee. The fury of the mob breaks loose, Lee is dragged from his cabin and a noose placed about his neck. Ruth refuses to tell why she was in the cabin, despite the pleadings of Lee to save her honor, and give her brother up to the law. She declares that God will save them all. A storm is raging. Lighting its way with fire-brands, the mob marches Lee to the scene of the revivals after having fired the cabin. The leader of the mob throws the end of the noose over a tree and gives the horse Lee is riding a crack with the whip. Just at that moment a terrific bolt of lightning strikes the limb, severing it from the tree and throwing Lee to the ground. It strikes, too, the mob leader, killing him instantly. Tom, driven from the burning cabin, has followed the mob and arrives on the scene just as the hand of God saves an innocent man. He confesses his guilt, clearing Lee and his sister's honor and changing a frenzied mob into a rejoiceful gathering, the picture closes with Lee acknowledging the power of faith that has saved him and clasping Ruth in his arms.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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