Builders of Castles_peliplat
Builders of Castles_peliplat

Builders of Castles (1917)

None | USA | None |
Directed by: Ben Turbett

Morton, a respected businessman, is induced by Gittens to join him in a scheme to rob the poor by means of a fake building association, advertising that "a small investment will start a beautiful home. The poor may enjoy all the luxuries of the rich." Gittens manages so that when the crash comes Morton is held responsible for the investors' losses, while he himself reaps all the profits. Among the victims are Marie, engaged to marry a minister, and "The Servant of the Poor." Gittens covets Marie, and for a time, by falsely making it appear that her fiancé has married another, succeeds in his designs. Finally, however, the truth comes to light. Through the activities of Marie, now fully aware of his perfidy, Gittens is brought to justice. Morton, regenerated by his bitter experiences finds a way to make good the losses of the poor investors, and after Marie has been forgiven by the minister and installed as mistress of the little parsonage, "The Servant" once more sets out on the broad highway, to bring comfort to the weak and lowly.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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