God of Little Children_peliplat
God of Little Children_peliplat

God of Little Children (1917)

None | USA | None, English |
Directed by: Richard Ridgely

Mary Keene did not realize that when placed in the office of John Ingalls to assist in carrying out Robert Moran's plot to secure Ingalls' money she would spoil the whole scheme of things by falling in love with her big-hearted employer. Mary had always been "straight" in spite of her association with Moran and his band of blackmailers. But she had erred against man-made laws, though innocently, and fearing disgrace and prison if exposed by Moran she was compelled to assist in his nefarious schemes. Moran discovered that Ingalls loved children, and that he lived a secluded, lonely life. Mary's advent in John Ingalls' life was for the purpose of introducing a supposed little sister of hers into the Ingalls' home and through this child, thoroughly trained for the task assigned her, ultimately reach Ingalls' store of wealth. Moran's plans were successful until Mary began to realize she loved Ingalls and rebelled against further deception. Ingalls loved Mary and offered her his hand. The wedding ceremony was simple but pretty. Meanwhile, Moran had been planning along different lines. Why not force Mary to get a large sum from her husband and leave with him for foreign shores? Moran has long coveted Mary and he believes this his opportunity. Mary, for once in her bitter life, enjoys the utmost happiness. This joy is increased by the realization that she is soon to become a mother. Time has flown backward ten years in the life of John Ingalls. He feels the blood of young manhood coursing through his veins. Soon Moran presents his plan to Mary, who pleads with Moran to have pity and leave her in peace; but there is no alternative, she must go or see herself and husband disgraced by Moran's exposure. At home, Mary ponders long over her duty. She looks out on the placid lake from her window and with a prayer to the "God of Little Children," decides to give up the struggle and end her life, Moran, meanwhile, has plotted carefully. For a few dollars "Hard Tack," his willing accomplice, will put John Ingalls out of the way. The public will believe he committed suicide because his wife deserted him. The note she writes upon leaving will be found beside the body. Then with John Ingalls' widow in his power nothing shall come between Robert Moran and a fortune. Seated in his library, John Ingalls little dreamed that the hand of an assassin was near. Beside the lake Mary is about to end her life. She looks up at the library window with a silent prayer to Ingalls not to misjudge when she sees a crouching figure holding a pistol, silhouetted against the blind. Mary rushes into the house and reaches his side just in time to divert the bullet from Hard Tack's weapon. Ingalls conquers Hard Tack, who is hurled through a window. He is killed by his fall. Moran, waiting outside for Mary to meet him according to promise, overhears the pistol shot and, becoming alarmed at Hard Tack's long absence, boldly comes into the library, revolver in hand. Mary, seeing Moran and believing Ingalls' life again in danger, takes aim with the gun she picks up and fires at Moran. He falls dead, the bullet piercing his heart. The story ends happily.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
God of Little Children
(Original title)
God of Little Children
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes