Wife Against Wife_peliplat
Wife Against Wife_peliplat

Wife Against Wife (1921)

None | USA | None | 60 min
Directed by: Whitman Bennett

Stannard Dole, an American sculptor, falls in love with model Gabrielle Gautier while vacationing in Paris, France, and leaves before completing the statue for which she modeled. Later, Gabrielle arrives in New York City, where she discovers that Stannard is married and his wife refuses to divorce him. Stannard persuades Gabrielle to remain until he can finish the statue, and places her in the care of a friend, Dr. Ethan Bristol. The sculptor falls ill and dies, though not before triumphantly completing his work and learning that Ethan plans to marry Gabrielle. Mrs. Dole is given a position in the Bristol's home and tries to separate the couple by exposing Gabrielle's former liaison, but their child holds them together.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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