Embrujo de amor_peliplat
Embrujo de amor_peliplat

Embrujo de amor (1971)

TV-14 (US) | Argentina | Spanish | 82 min
Directed by: Leo Fleider

The plot is situated in the Duchy of Stultus, more precisely in the Valley of Primrose, place that a good day is visited by a caravan to the control of the old chief Servant. Among them comes Toxzo, a Zingarian prince whose retinue is dedicated to the breeding of race horses. The young Gypsy will soon fall prey to the charms of Sovira, daughter of the duke, which obviously will bring with it all sorts of adventures, intrigues and misunderstandings. But the forces of power can not do much before the fate of true love.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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