Eddie Izzard: Glorious_peliplat
Eddie Izzard: Glorious_peliplat

Eddie Izzard: Glorious (1997)

15 (GB) | UK | English | 99 min
Directed by: Peter Richardson

Eddie Izzard's routine has a loose trajectory from the beginning of the Old Testament and the creation of the world in seven days to Revelations; God, in the voice of James Mason, makes several appearances. Along the way, Izzard dramatizes or comments on the search for a career, bad giraffes, Prince Philip's gaffes, toilets in French campsites, the mysteries of hopscotch, becoming one's Dad, getting a computer to print, and his court victory after being the victim of tranny bashing. Izzard calls his bits "mimes," in part because his physical comedy is sans props. Filmed at Labatt's Apollo Theatre, Izzard is in a shimmering red pants suit and low heels.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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