Beyond the Gates of Splendor_peliplat
Beyond the Gates of Splendor_peliplat
Play trailer

Beyond the Gates of Splendor (2002)

PG-13 (US) | USA | English, Spanish | 96 min
Directed by: Jim Hanon

Set in the Amazon basin of Ecuador, Beyond the Gates of Splendor tells the story of the Waodani, a violent and isolated tribe, and five North American families who contacted them. All five of the North American men were killed (Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Roger Youderian, Pete Fleming, and Ed McCully). Elisabeth Elliot, the wife of one of the men, and Rachel Saint, the sister of another, went to live with the Waodani. Later, Steve Saint, the son of one of the slain men moved his family from Florida to live with the same Waodani family that had killed his father.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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