When London Sleeps_peliplat
When London Sleeps_peliplat

When London Sleeps (1914)

U (GB) | UK | None, English |
Directed by: Ernest G. Batley

Hilda Corrode, a noted circus rider, packs her belongings and, with her child in her arms, leaves her husband's roof and returns to the giddy world of the circus. She gradually conceives, an affection for a fellow-performer David Engleheart, but he loves Queenie Carruthers, a clever wire-walker. Meanwhile Hilda's husband learns that his uncle's fortune has been left to his granddaughter, Queenie Carruthers. Only in the event of her death does the money revert to Captain Haynes. The Captain's plan is swiftly made up. He will get the money by marrying the girl. He offers a foul bargain to Hilda. "Help me to marry Queenie," he exclaims, "and I'll help you win the man you love." Gradually her own passion masters her, and she agrees to the arrangement. Queenie is comfortably installed in the great London hotel, but the captain is hot on the track of his victim. At one time he enters the hotel, and forcibly embraces the girl, who angrily orders him out of the place. He then proposes that Hilda and himself should lure Queenie to a certain night club. Hilda, at first reluctant, eventually consents, and sends a telegram to Queenie, which purports to come from David. No sooner is the telegram received when Queenie is off to the address given. In the meantime David has duly come with his friend, Sammy, to Queenie's hotel, only to find that Queenie is out. Sammy picks up the false telegram. He smells a rat, then quickly writes on the telegram that he has gone to Halliwell Mansions, and bids David follow at once. David comes upon the scene, and leads Queenie from the room, passing through the gay dancers, and knocking down any who bar his progress. Thus the captain's plot has miscarried. Hilda has returned home and found her little one sick. Queenie calls upon her enemy, and the two rivals are reconciled. Hilda confides her little one to Queenie's care and flees. The captain, grown desperate, determines to get hold of her money in the only way open to him now, by bringing about her death. In company with his valet, he empties a tin of petrol over the ground, and sets light to the building. Soon the building is ablaze. The flames break through the girl's apartment, and Queenie, tying the baby to her back, climbs to the roof. Summoning all her courage to her aid, she boldly walks along the telegraph wires that stretch from the roof to a neighboring house. She and the child are rescued from their perilous position by firemen. The two criminals fall into the hands of the police, and the lovers are united.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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