Mike Figgis
Stars (in credits order)
Russell Alden
Richard Allen
Barry Askham
Wayne Banham
John Arthur Bann
David Barlow
Andrew Batty
Paul Bee
Tony Benn
Self - MP for Chesterfield, 1984-2001
Frederick Bennett
Bill Bergan
Andrew Bird
Derek Bolton
James Bolton
Kenneth Bradder
Patrick Bradley
Christopher Bray
Malcolm Bray
Self - Former Miner
Steven Bray
Kevin M. Brookes
Mark Burton
Michael John Cain
Darren Chesney
Robert Conroy
Alan Cooke
Kevin Cooper
Ronald C. Cooper
Shelley Jain Cooper
Peter Crawley
Steven Curry
Ian Darwin
Jeremy Deller
Self - Event Creator
Dean Denton
David Douglass
Self - NUM Branch Secretary for Hatfield Main Colliery & Mining Historian
Daniel Earnshaw
John Edwards
Glyn Ellis
Tim Etchells
John Fenton
Howard Giles
Self - Re-enactment Director
David Goldthorpe
Stephen Govier
Kenneth Grand
John Grange
Stephanie Gregory
Self - former Chair-Person of the Rotherham Miners' Support Group
Chris Guest
Debbie Guirey
Michael Guirey
Chrstopher Hague
Michael Allen Hague
David Hallam
Craig Halstead
Paul Halstead
Paul Harthill
Andrew Phillip Hartley
Lee Harvey
Phillip Haycox
Richard Hellewell
Alan Heppenstall
Lee Heppenstall
Lee Hogan
Ian Hotchkiss
Martin Hughes
Stephen Johnson
Gary Jones
Darren Keating
Don Keating
Stephen Kenealy
Anthony Kirkham
Jon Knowles
Sheila Knowles
Simon Knowles
Kevin Lancaster
Sonny Land
John Langstaff
Alan Leadbeater
Linda Leadbeater
Kenneth Leather
Leon Leather
Melvyn Leather
Paul Leather
Kevin Lee
Mark Lee
Peter Lee
Viv Long
Barry Lovatt
Ian Lowe
Harry Machan
Lee Mainon
Paul Mainon
Ronald Brian Massey
Alex McAuslin
Gary McDonald
Robert McDonald
Walter McDonald
Mac McLoughlin
Self - Ex-Miner and Former Policeman
Tony Muncaster
Andrew Naylor
Adam Palliser
Ian Partington
Self - Riot Police Trainer
Robert Pears
David Peckett
Stephen Peckett
Howard Pennington
Philip Pennington
Arthur Pickering
Steve Platts
Peter Pleasants
Nicholas Powles
Ian Robinson
David Rookes
Alan Rowley
Lee Rowley
Philip Rowley
Chris Royde
Robert Scott
Anthony David Shaw
James Sherwin
John Simonite
James Simpson
Les Smith
Mark Smith
Keith Smithurst
Gerald Spenser
Douglas Stephenson
Anthony Stubbs
Ian Sutcliffe
David Swan
Steven Szocs
David Szymura
Robert Taylor
Stuart Tennant
Shaun Tillery
Alan Tomes
Craig Tomes
David Tomes
Grayham Tomes
Peter Tomes
Andrew Tunnard
Darren Utley
Darren Walker
Neil Walker
Ian John Wallace
Tony Ward
Mark Watts
Micahael Whittaker
Craig Wilkinson
Ian Wilkinson
Ryan Wilson
Tony Wilson
Johnny Wood
Mark Woodhouse
Paul Wootton
Keith Wright
Ken Wyatt
Self - Ambulanceman at Orgreave
Stephen Yoxall
Stephen Cranford
Police Officer (uncredited)
John Spencer-Barnes