
Wafaa (1972)

None | India | Hindi | 110 min
Directed by: Ramanna

Alcoholic womanizer Shyam meets with Shanti and gets married to her. On their wedding night, a friend of Shyam's lures Shanti away on the pretext that Shyam is hospitalized due to an accident, and takes her to a brothel, and attempts to force himself upon her. The police raid the place, and Shanti is arrested for prostitution. Shyam comes to the jail, tells her that he is ashamed of her, disowns her and leaves. Shanti is released from jail, as there is no evidence to hold her, and starts her search for Shyam. She soon finds out that Shyam has married again, and is living with his mom and dad. She goes to see a lawyer, Saraswati, who agrees to represent her, and get Shyam to admit that he is married to her. When confronted with a legal notice, Shyam denies ever knowing, leave alone marrying a woman named Shanti. Saraswati gets herself involved in obtaining proof of this marriage, and the matter is taken to court. It is there that Shanti finds out who Shyam's second wife is.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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