A Man in Our House_peliplat
A Man in Our House_peliplat

A Man in Our House (1961)

16 (AR) | Egypt | Arabic | 159 min
Directed by: Henry Barakat

Rebel Ibrahim Hamdy succeed in the assassination of Prime Minister collaborators with colonialism and unable to escape after his arrest and resort to home fellow university erased, which has no political activity, rejects family erased harboring at first but accepted in the end, Abdul Hamid Khatib knows Samia and her cousin at the same while the existence of Abraham exploited the situation to expedite the convening of the married Semitic rejected. Nawal youngest daughter accepted for the family to be the liaison between Ibrahim Hamdi and his colleagues even afford some sort his escape from the house and out of the country is, Abdulhamid is trying to inform the political police of the whereabouts of Ibrahim Hamdy but Samia prevented in time, suspected head of the political police in the matter and punish erased and Abdul Hamid to find out where hiding Ibrahim, Ibrahim refuses to travel outside the country and come back to contribute to the struggle against colonialism soldiers and camp cites in one of the operations.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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