Despite the cheap production values, the gore and violence portrayed in this film is very graphic.
-A man has his eyeball pulled out with a fishing hook. -A man has his fingernail ripped off. -A man's arm is cut open and his stomach is punctured. Blood spills everywhere. -A man is sliced in the face on accident. -A horse is chopped to pieces. The limbs and the head comically fly around. Blood is seen squirting everywhere. -A man gets accidentally stabbed in the hand onscreen. The knife is pulled out and blood spurts out everywhere. -A man is poisoned and vomits all over a floor. -A man is poisoned and he defecates (onscreen) all over the place and vomits. -A Nazi blows off a little girl's face with a gun. -After having an arm infection, a man tries to remove his arm. He goes running around and his arm is taken off by a train. His injured arm is then eaten off by a zombie, and afterwards, his legs are blown off by hidden land mines. -Two zombies fight. One defecates on another's face, and the two vomit all over each other. One rips off a chunk of flesh from another's forehead. The two continue to eat each other. One's leg is eaten off, one's stomach is torn open and eaten, another has it's arm eaten off. The two literally eat each other to death. Possibly the most graphic part of the movie. -A man vomits into a sink. -A Nazi is infected and then he defecates his innards. He is killed off when his boss blows him to pieces with a rocket launcher. After he is still alive, he has his head crushed. He then dies. -A Nazi fights a man. The two punch other and the Nazi is kicked in the crotch. He is then punched until his nose bleeds. He caves in the other man's head with a log. Blood jets out everywhere. -A Nazi is slowly beaten to death by a woman. He is beaten until he starts to vomit up his brains. Before dying, he blows the woman's head off with his gun. He dies when he vomits out his brain and his blood. -A man in an airplane dies when the airplane explodes. We see the man squirming around in the plane, on fire.