We All Die, the Main Thing However Is How and How We Live. Holger Meins_peliplat
We All Die, the Main Thing However Is How and How We Live. Holger Meins_peliplat

We All Die, the Main Thing However Is How and How We Live. Holger Meins (1975)

None | West Germany | German | 60 min
Directed by: Renate Sami

Holger Meins started studying film in 1964. When he was arrested in 1970, he was working as a cameraman on diverse projects and had made a twenty-minute film on a homeless man that was highly esteemed by his fellow students. After leaving jail he became seriously engaged in the protest movement against the war in Vietnam and was again arrested in 1972. He was accused of being a terrorist and died in prison while on a hunger strike in 1974. He was thirty-three. In my film I interview some fellow students, a friend who lived with him for a while, a young woman who was part of a student group. Holger Meins and a fellow student were working on a film project aimed at helping the young ones articulate their problems and translate them into film.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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