Private Detective: Two Plus Two Plus One_peliplat
Private Detective: Two Plus Two Plus One_peliplat

Private Detective: Two Plus Two Plus One (1997)

A (IN) | India | Hindi | 125 min
Directed by: Rajat Kapoor

An urban contemporary film about adultery, murder and betrayal in the film noir style. A simple story to which the director imparts a feeling of unrest and disquiet, catching the city in its various moods. The film breaks generic conventions, notably in the presentation of the private detective through his deglamourised life and his process of discovery of 'who did it'. It is not constructed through his point of view at all. In fact the policeman and the detective, the fact finders, are in the dark about the crime, to the very end.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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