Aguner Poroshmoni_peliplat
Aguner Poroshmoni_peliplat

Aguner Poroshmoni (1994)

None | Bangladesh | Bengali | 123 min
Directed by: Humayun Ahmed

In the middle of the 1971;curfew is going on all over the Bangladesh. The liberation army is operated as effective guerrilla force - Badiul Alam is one them. Alam plans for starting guerrilla operation in the capital and hides himself in Mr. Matin's house. Mr. Matin lives with his loving wife Surma and two beautiful daughters Ratri and Opala. In association with other freedom fighters, Alam operates some successful guerrilla attacks against barbarous Pakistani military . But one after another his fellow freedom-fighters are getting caught by the military, tortured , murdered. Alam being shot and seriously injured is taken to Matin's house ; can he survive? Can he see the light of morning again ?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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