
Dolina (2007)

None | Hungary, Romania | Hungarian | 122 min
Directed by: Zoltán Kamondi

Gabriel Ventuza lives the peaceful life of a herbalist, growing and cultivating medical herbs in Italy. One day he receives an order from his older brother who is just out of prison for one day: Gabriel should go to the remote little town of Bogdanski Dolina in Far-Eastern Europe, the place of their childhood, and take out the mortal remains of their father, the late people-smuggler, the famous Victor Ventuza. Gabriel leaves his "eventless" life behind and goes to accomplish his mission. He is robbed on the way; his belongings, passport, money and even his clothes are stolen, and he finds himself in a small remote town surrounded by hills of stinking toxic waste, where strange priests rule and fear keeps people quiet, producing a general atmosphere of insecurity. The film is a surreal vision of the insecure transition times after the political system changed in Eastern Europe, showing how a harmless Western petit-bourgeois changes into a cruel, unscrupulous people-smuggler.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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