Mei you ni mei you wo_peliplat
Mei you ni mei you wo_peliplat

Mei you ni mei you wo (2000)

None | Hong Kong | Cantonese, Mandarin | 93 min
Directed by: Tommy Wai-Tak Lor

Music producer Alex Lam is a has-been whose girlfriend Shirley makes the right career move by dumping him to concentrate on her own professional life. He heads to the nearest bar and ends up having a one night stand with waitress Ivy Wong after too much to drink. When he tries to meet her again, she mistakes him for a rapist and fights him off. He discovers that Ivy has a daytime job as a kindergarten teacher and dreams up a career for her as a singer. He takes her to the studio for sound tests which show promise after a lot of training and they move in together. But as her career takes off, Ivy and Alex go separate ways...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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