Gibelta na Aleksander Veliki_peliplat
Gibelta na Aleksander Veliki_peliplat

Gibelta na Aleksander Veliki (1968)

None | Bulgaria | Bulgarian | 85 min
Directed by: Vladislav Ikonomov

The film's subject matter centers on the diary of the young journalist Sasho and his meetings with the unusual powerful and colorful personality of the brigade leader known as Aleksander the Great. The filmmakers trace the changes, which occur in the unstable young man under the influence of these meetings. In the midst of young enthusiastic workers in the construction team and their problems Sasho comes to know himself and to understand better the real meaning of his life. In an expressive style, and with slight irony, the film tries to draw a collective portrait of contemporary builders and to contribute to the discussion about the image of Bulgaria youth at the end of sixties.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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