Nezi: The Night of the Crazy Screws_peliplat
Nezi: The Night of the Crazy Screws_peliplat

Nezi: The Night of the Crazy Screws (1999)

None | Japan | Japanese | 45 min
Directed by: Shinsuke Washimi

Auto mechanic Nene and her homemaker husband Jun are living happily in their home in Nagoya when one day they are approached by a salesman who offers to place a vending machine for screws in front of their house. Nene has misgivings, but Jun eagerly signs the contract. The night after the machine is installed, Nene wakes up from a violent dream in the middle of the night to find a group of strange-looking people lined up in front of their vending machine. When she wakes Jun to come see them, however, they disappear. Disturbed by these strange nightly occurrences, Nene follows one of these customers to learn just where they are coming from. She may not live to tell of what she discovers...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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