Playing Swede_peliplat
Playing Swede_peliplat

Playing Swede (2001)

A (ES) | Cuba, Spain, Germany | Spanish | 105 min
Directed by: Daniel Díaz Torres

Masquerading as a Swedish literature professor in Cuba, a thief plots a spectacular jewel heist. He ends up with more than he bargained for when he falls for the daughter of a retired police officer and is practically adopted by her family. Immersed in the colorful sights and sounds of Havana, the seemingly innocent tourist must "play the Swede" and even give an impromptu lecture on Pippi Longstocking before he can commit the near perfect crime. But will his double life cost him the woman he falls in love with? After swiping the treasure, he hurries to the airport to catch a flight out of the country, the former police detective hot on his trail. It's decision time. Which jewel should he choose: the one he's stolen, or the one who's stolen his heart?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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