Play trailer

Sundelbolong (1981)

M18 (SG) | Indonesia | Indonesian | 102 min
Directed by: Sisworo Gautama Putra

*warning* *spoilers ahead* Alisa, who used to be a prostitute just got married with Hendarto, but he immediately took off on a ship for his job. She did embroidery to pass time, and her works got noticed by Rudy, the owner of Rudy Boutique. There, she met Mami, the pimp she used to work for. Rudy then offered to make her a model. She refused then drove back home. A group of men assaulted her on the road and took her to the warehouse where Mami and Rudy were waiting. After refusing to work for Mami again, Alisa was tied down, raped by Rudy before the other men took turns on Alisa. After the incident, Alisa took the matters to the court. However, the defendant told the court that Alisa's past as a prostitute made her statements questionable. Back home, Alisa threw up, indicating that she was pregnant. She was taken to the hospital and met a doctor, who refused to do abortion. Arriving home, she went back to her bed to rest, when her maid came with a letter from her husband, saying that he would come home in a week. Alisa grew upset, and even urged the maid to help her get rid of the baby, but the maid refused. The maid went to get food for Alisa, and was terrified to find her and her unborn baby out of her, both dead in the bathroom. Upon arriving back, Hendarto went to see Alisa's grave with the maid, before going home and finding some flowers on the bed which he did not see before. When he asked the maid about it, the maid said no because she didn't have the key to his room. Hendarto then had a flashback of his times with Alisa, while holding the flowers he found earlier. Hendarto grew restless and drove fast, stopping abruptly upon seeing a cat on the road. There he met Sinta, who told him she was Alisa's twin, who was supposedly dead when she was ten years old. Sinta shrugged it off, saying that she was alive. Then, they both went to Hendarto's house. After finding out Alisa was dead, Sinta excused herself from the house quickly. Bram, a taxi driver, was dropping off one of Mami's girls when he met a woman who seduced him. It was then revealed it was the ghost Alisa, with a gruesome hole on her back. She tied him and drowned in the bathtub. Gadung, another one of the men who raped Alisa, stopped to find a woman on the side of the street. He took her with him, and she drove his car. She drove madly, and crashed into the warehouse he used to rape her in. She made the car chase him around, and then got him repeatedly crashing into walls before he died. After finding out about the two deaths, it was believed that Hendarto wanted to avenge his wife. So, Rudy and his goonies got Hendarto cornered and attacked. He got hurt and was visited by Sinta at home, where they continued to make love. When he woke up, Hendarto found two roses on his bed with Sinta nowhere to be found. Alisa got another one of her revenge by trapping a man in a house and stabbed him with her headstone. In the morning, the man was found on Alisa's actual headstone in the cemetery. She continued to Jefri, one of Mami's staff, and then Mami herself, by throwing her out from the balcony to a utility pole where she got electrocuted and died. Hendarto went to seek answers from the local police and elders / religious figures; discovering that Sinta actually Alisa's twin, but she passed away when they were ten. He then met Sinta and told her he wanted to talk to her. They went to a restaurant, but before he could ask anything, Sinta sensed someone was going to destroy her home. She left quickly leaving a purse, which had Alisa's and Hendarto's wedding photograph. Hendarto then was convinced Sinta was indeed Alisa. Rudy managed to call a shaman, who planned to perform rituals to stop Alisa. But before he could do so, Alisa came and attacked all of them. The shaman was killed first, before Alisa chased after Rudy and his men. She murdered Rudy's men, leaving Rudy running. Alisa caught up with him and haunted him some more before she got him cornered. She was about to kill him when Hendarto, some cops and locals saw her. She demanded Rudy to admit to his crime, which he did. Hendarto then asked Alisa to let the past go and pass on. Everyone prayed, as Alisa cried and disappeared.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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