Tarpan (The Absolution)_peliplat
Tarpan (The Absolution)_peliplat
Play trailer

Tarpan (The Absolution) (1995)

Not Rated (US) | India | Hindi | 140 min
Directed by: K. Bikram Singh

Joravar lives in a the desert state of Rajasthan in a small village together with his wife, Lachmi, and two young daughters. His first daughter inexplicably passes away, and both parents take extra special care of their second one. Unfortunately, she too starts suffering inexplicably, with the local doctor throws in the towel and asks her parents to pray for her soul. But both refuse to accept the doctor's verdict and set out to speak to a village elder by the name of Jasso, who asks them to go to Suku Baba who will surely find a way to cure their daughter. The parents travel on camel-back, find Suku Baba, who is already well aware of their plight and has a solution, namely that the parents must travel to another village, and cleanse the well that the upper caste Thakurs used to draw their water from years ago. The parents travel to this village, and ask around for this ascetic well - but nobody is willing to answer their question, all except an elderly woman named Rammo. She shows them the way to the well, and it is here that Joravar will come to know the horrifying secrets, the demons that dwell within the minds of the villagers, as well as the ghosts that dwell in the well - ghosts of tormented men and women - who had been killed by the Thakurs - and who now want their absolution.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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