Soekarno blues_peliplat
Soekarno blues_peliplat

Soekarno blues (1999)

None | Netherlands | Dutch | 77 min
Directed by: Hans Hylkema

Semi-biographical narrative in which the protagonist, director Hans Hylkema, searches for the historical past of Indonesian President Sukarno. In the archive of the Theater Institute, Hylkema discovers a short film in which President Sukarno shines in a self-written play, performed at the Tropical Institute. Everywhere there is unbelief because officially the president has never been in the Netherlands. Then follows a reconstruction of the best kept secret of the palace Soestdijk: the never-known visit of Sukarno to Queen Juliana in the spring of 1949. In the form of a documentary, the discovery of Soekarno's self-written play is framed with historical acrhief material and fictional play. The story of a charismatic leader who loved his country, people, women, art and especially himself.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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