A woman gets grabbed by 2 men and has her throat slit.
A man gets grabbed by a girl and has his throat slit.
A girl who's playing a trumpet slits her own throat (offscreen).
A few people have their wrists slit by a few girls who drink their blood.
A girls slits her own wrist and sucks her own blood.
Near the end of the movie a man gets his throat slit (partially offscreen), and gets slashed all over his body with a razor. The man can be seen spewing blood, this is the most violent scene in this film.
A girl slashes a man's chest and masturbates him (See also the sex and nudity section).
A girl uses a razor to cut a man's penis off, a close up of the wound can be seen.
A girl has her eye gouged out, this happens very quick.
A girl gets stabbed to death with a razor.