Strawberries with Real Milk_peliplat
Strawberries with Real Milk_peliplat

Strawberries with Real Milk (2001)

7 (SE) | Sweden | Swedish | 90 min
Directed by: Jack Ersgard

Rolf lived his whole life for his TV-show. He's neglected the people close to him year after year; he never seemed to have any time left over for his wife, his kids or his friends. One day Rolf learns that the TV-network that he so devotedly worked for is now aiming for a younger audience and his show is terminated. His life crumbles. Suddenly he finds himself contacting friends and relatives he left behind a long time ago and the people Rolf meet lead him to events that forever changes his life.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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