Historia del cine argentino_peliplat
Historia del cine argentino_peliplat

Historia del cine argentino (1995)

None | Argentina | Spanish | 100 min
Directed by: Leonardo Polverino

This documentary tells the story of Argentine cinema, begining from the days that the first Lumiere films arrived to the country till the wining of the "Oscar" for the best foreign film (La historia oficial). A great effort has been made to recover old takes from the silent period (which in Argentina is an extaordinary and difficult enterprise), where you can see highlights of the movies of the pioneer Mario Gallo, and "Amalia" (The first argentine feature film). Later when the talkies begin this documentary covers the first films made in Argentina which were of Carlos Gardel singing. Later comes the times of the great studios where you can see not only highlights of the most important argentine movies like "La guerra gaucha" but you can also whatch the explanations of the great argentine film directors and technicians that made them, like Ruben Cavallotti, Rene Mugica, Anibal Di Salvo, and many more. Te political context is always present, and in that way this documentary explains what happended with the military dictatorships, the governments of Juan Peron and even the famous episode where wittneses in the set comment about the slap in the face that Eva Peron gave to the famous actress Libertad Lamarque. More than a hundred years of argentine film industry that used to be one of the most important cinemas in Latin America.

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