Ubit pri ispolnenii_peliplat
Ubit pri ispolnenii_peliplat

Ubit pri ispolnenii (1978)

None | Soviet Union | Russian | 93 min
Directed by: Nikolai Rozantsev

Film-biography of Waclaw Worowski, a Moscow-born Pole turned Soviet revolutionary extremist. He operated in Europe under diplomatic cover surreptitiously financing pro-communist groups and preparing violent revolutions in several nations. In 1923, while operating in Switzerland, Worowski was killed by Maurice Conradi, a Swiss-Russian anticommunist, who declared that the killing of Worowski was a fare punishment for the crimes committed by him and the Soviet communist regime. Maurice Conradi was acquitted by Swiss court. Then Soviet Union broke all relations with Switzerland.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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