Novye priklyucheniya yanki pri dvore korolya Artura_peliplat
Novye priklyucheniya yanki pri dvore korolya Artura_peliplat

Novye priklyucheniya yanki pri dvore korolya Artura (1989)

None | Soviet Union | Russian | 164 min
Directed by: Viktor Gres

The plane of the American pilot has got lost in time. The pilot has got to an era of the nice king Artur. Here he is fated to meet legendary knights of the Round table and artful to Morgan - the king's sister, beautiful Sandie and the wise Wizard. He should appear in tatters of the slave and in knightly armor, to become the witness of greatness and death of the kingdom.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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