Cui hu han_peliplat
Cui hu han_peliplat

Cui hu han (1976)

None | Taiwan | Mandarin | 94 min
Directed by: Cheng-Ying Lai

Hu Wei-Kang is a young master from a wealthy family. Because his father is a successful businessman, he starts his own business after his graduation from business school. However, his profession does not bring him success. Everyone thus thinks that he is such a loser! Until one day, he finally has a chance to do something that no one will look down on him. He meets his highschool classmate Shan David, and they decide to run a construction business together. No one ever thought that David is a cheater. But, he takes $500,000 from Wei-Kang and runs away. To get his money back from David, Wei-kang finds David's fiance, and they journey to Kaoshung together to look for David...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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