The Way Home_peliplat
The Way Home_peliplat
Play trailer

The Way Home (2002)

PG (US) | South Korea | Korean | 80 min
Directed by: Jeong-hyang Lee

Seven-year-old Sang-woo is left with his grandmother in a remote village while his mother looks for work. Born and raised in the city, Sang-woo quickly comes into conflict with his old-fashioned grandmother and his new rural surroundings. Disrespectful and selfish, Sang-woo lashes out in anger, perceiving that he has been abandoned. He tries to trade his grandmother's only treasure, a hairpin, for a video game batteries; he throws his food and he throws tantrums. When Sang-woo's mother finds work and finally returns for him, Sang-woo has become a different boy. Through his grandmother's boundless patience and devotion, he learns to embrace empathy, humility and the importance of family.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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