Marry a Rich Man_peliplat
Marry a Rich Man_peliplat
Play trailer

Marry a Rich Man (2002)

IIA (HK) | Hong Kong | Cantonese, Italian | 92 min
Directed by: Vincent Kok

Mi, a propane delivery girl, declares to the heavens that she must marry a rich man. On a flight to Milan Me meets Christmas, a cute, rich Hong Kong resident who immediately takes a shine to Mi. She thinks she's hit the jackpot, but as soon as they land the two are pick-pocketed by a local. Undaunted, they go on a "poor man's date" making the run of Milan without a penny. And the two get along famously, leading Me to the conclusion that her cynical gold-digging plans have worked.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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