The keyword "woman-wearing-an-open-cup-bra" refers to Dawn Marie's photoshoot, though with her arms over her breasts.
Divas are seen in bras and panties, thongs, teddies, other forms of lingerie, topless with their arms covering their breasts, topless from the back. The exception is Molly Holly (<a class="ipc-md-link ipc-md-link--entity" href="/name/nm0339250/?ref_=ttpg_gi">Nora Greenwald</a>), who wears pajamas for her segment. During the competition, Molly Holly was outside staging a protest and holding a sign that read, "Dress the Divas." She tried bringing her protest into the event itself but was carried away by security. In the process, the camera caught an upskirt shot of her white panties, an uncharacteristic moment for her, as she was in full prude heel mode.
During Victoria (<a class="ipc-md-link ipc-md-link--entity" href="/name/nm0890151/?ref_=ttpg_gi">Tara</a>)'s segment, during the scene where she is playing with the shirt, there is a brief scene, visible through slowing down, where her right nipple is visible. This is followed by a crossout circle appearing over her breast with a comical sound effect.
<a class="ipc-md-link ipc-md-link--entity" href="/name/nm0750315/?ref_=ttpg_gi">Terri Runnels</a> actually goes nude for her segment, though covered by pillows and sheets.
After the first round of the competition, "Tiny Teddy," there is a scene backstage of Dawn Marie (<a class="ipc-md-link ipc-md-link--entity" href="/name/nm0699612/?ref_=ttpg_gi">Dawn Marie Psaltis</a>), with her back to the camera, taking off her robe, showing that she is only wearing a thong. Then Rico (<a class="ipc-md-link ipc-md-link--entity" href="/name/nm0182413/?ref_=ttpg_gi">Rico Constantino</a>) walks into the room and stands in between Dawn and the camera. Dawn takes off her thong and puts it on Rico's shoulder. Rico, who was doing a Gorgeous George/Ambiguously Gay gimmick, comments on Dawn Marie's vagina, saying, "I've never seen one of those, down there." They then walk out of the room with Rico blocking any view of a nude Dawn Marie. Rico says, "Now let's put on some panties," (the second round was "Bra and Panties"), and Dawn sounds like she's thinking, "Do I have to?"