Steve Phoenix: The Untold Story_peliplat
Steve Phoenix: The Untold Story_peliplat

Steve Phoenix: The Untold Story (2012)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 110 min
Directed by: Bill Haley

Jack Sparks is a story junkie, desperate to find the untold story. He is a reporter for his public access TV program "The Untold Story" on cable, channel 23, for his native fishtown neighborhood. He has collected millions of stories over his career but he is still looking for that one story that will launch his career. Jack keeps to himself working day and night on his dream. But when Jack receives an anonymous tip on "the really big untold story," he jumps at the opportunity to investigate, and breaks out of his normal routine. He discovers this band called Steve Phoenix. Soon he finds himself going deep undercover with this local band (played, ironically, by local rock band Steve Phoenix). But that's not the real story...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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