Transpersonal Conversations: Christina Grof_peliplat
Transpersonal Conversations: Christina Grof_peliplat

Transpersonal Conversations: Christina Grof (2005)

None | USA | English | 62 min
Directed by: Kevin Page

For almost thirty years, Christina Grof has been active in the field of transpersonal psychology. In this in-depth and revealing "Transpersonal Conversation" Christina talks about her own transpersonal experiences and the Kundalini awakening that led her to found the Spiritual Emergency Network. Christina also shares stories about life with Stanislav Grof at the Esalen Institute and her co-creation of Holotropic Breathwork. Christina has been a speaker on numerous topics world-wide and continues to promote a transpersonal world-view within the Recovery Movement and beyond.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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