Husinska buna_peliplat
Husinska buna_peliplat

Husinska buna (1980)

None | Yugoslavia | Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian | 88 min
Directed by: Sava Mrmak

This is the true story of the miners who were seeking their rights by doing the hardest job in the world. Husinska rebellion is an armed resistance miners mine Krek against the violence of the state government during the general strike of miners Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 21 to 28 December 1920, named after the mining village Husin near Tuzla. The area that was affected was the area Husin, Leibnitz and Morancana. Buna led by the Communist Party has failed but has remained in my memory as the first revolt, which has drawn attention to the rights miners. Buna ended in bloodshed, were arrested about 400 people in solidarity with the strikers. The miners have been tortured and ill-treated during interrogation and investigation. The result of terror and torture killed and killed a total of 32 miners. The names of the dead miners are on the memorial plaque in the memorial cemetery in partisan Husin crude calculation of the police and gendarmerie with the miners in Bosnia and Herzegovina caused a general revolt and protest actions of workers across the country. Because of the cruelty that is off Revolt, nationwide rebellion broke out. In memory of this rebellion, and the miners were killed from 1941 to 1945th, the day when the rebellion broke out Husin declared the date of the miners. July 27, 1956. This day is now celebrated as the day of the miners.

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Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Husinska buna
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes