Level of violence: 9/10. Very violent and bloody.
Strong bloody violence.
Armed police move into a hotel, they ram a door down, a man inside the room jumps out of the window as the room explodes and crashes back in through a neighboring window; the man hides in an elevator shaft and shoots several armed men that are inside the elevator (we see them lying on the floor with blood splattered on the walls), the man is chased by another man with a gun, and he jumps out of another window and into water below (we hear that 16 law enforcement officers were killed).
A man is shot by a sniper, blood splatters on a woman standing near him, another man is shot in the head (we see a bullet hole open and blood and matter splatter on many people around him), and two other men take aim in the direction of the shots, and there is an explosion.
Four men with swords fight with slashes, punches and kicks: two men are first stabbed with swords (we hear crunches), one man is kicked through a window, he lands on his back on the platform, gets up and continues fighting; punches are exchanged, one man's arm is broken (we hear a crunch) and he is then hung by a belt (he twitches briefly and then is dropped to the floor dead).
Men with guns ride in a truck, they push a bound and gagged man out of the truck and onto the ground (we see blood on his face and chest), they drag him by the hands into a building (we see human skulls painted red outside the compound), he is chained by the arms and a man with a machete approaches him; we see a stitched wound on the victim's throat, and an explosive device blows the man up (we see body parts in the air) and the other men around him are also thrown through the air.
A helicopter opens fire on a building and bullets spray in a room where a man is seated in a chair (he is struck many times and blood splatters and sprays) and another man hides and is unharmed but the room is destroyed.
A man with a sword slashes at a man, they fight with punches and kicks, blood spurts, we hear bones crack, and one man's head is slammed against the floor and stepped on (we see blood begin to pool).
A man shoots a man in the head (blood sprays and splatters), the man injects another man in the neck with something that makes him twitch and fall unconscious and the gunman shoots two other men (blood splatters and sprays).
A man chases another man through a train station, they fight, one shoots the other in the arm (we see blood) and then the shoulder (we see more blood) and while he lies moaning on the floor he is later shot in the chest.
A sniper shoots at a man on a sidewalk, a person standing near him is struck, blood splatters and other people scream and run away.
A man shoots another man in the head (we see the bloody bullet hole).
A man shoots several security personnel (blood splatters), and they shoot back and forth until there are many dead bodies splattered with blood on the floor.
A man shoots at a man who throws a gun at him knocking him down; he then picks up two automatic guns and begins shooting many people in a room (blood splatters and sprays and bodies flail), other men shoot back at him, and a grenade explodes blowing up one man and throwing another (we see one man soaked with blood and with a couple of open wounds).
A man is shown sitting in a bathtub wrapped with barbed wire (we see blood on his chest and the wire digs into his flesh when he tries to get free) and attached to a mechanism that he is told will incinerate him if he does not do what he is told.
We see several bodies covered with sheets in a morgue-like room (we can see the feet of a couple of the bodies), and we see severed limbs on other tables (blood and tissue are visible).
We see a dead man on the floor with a large bullet hole in his head.
A man is shot in the head (we do not see the bullet strike the man).
Two boys run away from something, climb a fence and are shot at, and it looks like one boy is struck in the back (no blood is visible).
A man is shot in the arm (blood spurts and the man screams) another man holds the shooter at gunpoint and the shooter shoots him in the chest (he is wearing a vest so there is no blood but we see a large bruise later and hear that his ribs were broken).
A woman remembers being tied by the wrists and whipped by a man (we see the incident briefly and hear her scream).
A man holds a woman by the hair and presses a gun into her eye socket (she whimpers, and he does not shoot her).
A man standing behind a glass wall speaks to many people gathered in a church; the man is shot at three times, the glass shatters and he is rushed away unharmed while canisters spray a room with narcotic gas and many people panic and try to get out.
A man with a gun grabs a woman by the throat and forces her into the trunk of a car, where there's a dead body (we see a very quick glimpse of a body, with blood on the clothing).
A man presses a device against a woman's neck, it buzzes and she is rendered unconscious.
A woman yells at a man, he grabs her by the arm and shoves her into a car.
A man in a dark building is startled by another man and falls over a banister.
A man throws a flask at another man striking him.
Two men argue over jurisdiction.
It is implied that a man beats a woman and that he "bought" her.
We see the back of a young boy's head being tattooed and a small bit of blood is visible.
In the beginning scene of the movie, many young boys are trained from an early age in hand-to-hand combat, using firearms, and many other combat skills, in order to become professional, international hitmen for hire by the organization that sends men to train and raise them. They are also raised to become very well disciplined and emotionally detached from anything that they do in order to accomplish the objectives of their mission.