The Good Student_peliplat
The Good Student_peliplat
Play trailer

The Good Student (2006)

R (US) | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: David Ostry

Ron Gibb is a widower, solitary and depressed, teaching history at an upstate New York high school. He has a small crush on Ally, a cheerleader, which is noticed by another student and the janitor. After Ally breaks up with her boyfriend, Ron drops her off at home, and a few minutes later she's kidnapped. The police are alternately suspicious of Ron and baffled because there's no ransom demand. Her father, a used car salesman, turns it into a sales event. Ron confronts Ally's dad over his business practices and offers his own reward for her return. Who has her, and why? And will Ron eventually notice a neighbor who's been trying to get his attention?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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