The Power of Harmony_peliplat
The Power of Harmony_peliplat

The Power of Harmony (2005)

None | USA | English | 70 min
Directed by: Ginny Martin

The Power of Harmony, through the personal experiences of a gay men's chorus, takes an intimate look at controversial issues of the day: coming out and gay marriage, religious views on homosexuality, and gay adoption. The Turtle Creek Chorale is a gay organization that refuses to live on the fringes. They have survived, indeed thrived, for over 25 years, right in the heart of the Bible belt: Dallas, Texas. They are first class musicians. They are irreverent, outrageous, angry, forgiving, and compassionate. They are individuals battling together in an intolerant world. Through music, they have transformed the painful experiences of death and dying from AIDS, and rejection from their own families and churches, into a powerful voice for compassion and equality. The Power of Harmony captures moments of deep sorrow, and the need for human connection and community. It also reveals the joy that humor and music can bring.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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