Marian, Again_peliplat
Marian, Again_peliplat

Marian, Again (2005)

M (AU) | UK | English | 180 min
Directed by: David Drury

School teacher Chris Bevan is a dutiful husband to his dull wife, Josie, and ingrate daughters. His best friend knows Chris' heart always belonged to Marian, his vibrant, flippant fiancée, who mysteriously disappeared years ago. Suddenly he sees her in a shop and can't help following her. He gives up as she has a new identity, as wife of plumber Bernie Sullivan. Bernie's real passion is Houdini-era 'real' magic, while in fact she's his terrified captive, forced to replace his late assistant. Furthermore one of Bevan's daughters has a phone-relationship he forbids, deeming it dangerous on principle, ignoring this is real and ties in to Marian's plight.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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