Strong violence.
A woman and a man's dog doesn't return from a tunnel in a park at night, so they go to look for him, only to find some punks holding him by his leash. The punks then surround and circle the couple, harassing them. This continues until the man punches one, followed by that punk and others beating both him and the woman. They hit the man repeatedly with a rod or stick of some sort, while also punching the woman and throwing her hard into the tunnel's wall. We then see her POV as one stomps down onto her face, knocking her out. We then sees clips of them being transported on gurneys and then in the ER/surgery where both are heavily bruised and bloodied all over their bodies. We later learn that the man was killed by the attack. It is revealed that one of the men recorded the beating using his cell phone.
A man shoots his wife repeatedly in the chest and steals money from a cash register; we see the woman's bloody gunshot wounds as she falls to the ground and we see her lying dead.
A man is shot in the eye at close range (blood splatters and he falls to the ground).
A man is shot in the neck, we see him crash through a glass door, and he falls to the ground and lies in a pool of blood.
Two men are shot at close range: we see their gunshot wounds (with some blood) and see them fall dead to the floor; a woman shoots one in the head and we see the bullet go through his head and shatter a window while he slides to the ground.
We see a dead woman lying in the hospital with a white sheet over her body; when pulled back we see bloodstains on her face and oozing out of her nose and ears, and a visible gunshot wound in her head.
We see bloody and bruised bodies being wheeled into the hospital by the paramedics and watch as doctors begin to cut their clothes off for surgery (these scenes are very bloody).
A woman is being stitched up to a open slit arm by a neighbor (we see blood and her open wound) and we later see her wrapped in a bandage.
A man is shot in the back (no blood, but we see his gunshot holes and see him fall to the ground).
A police officer is shot in the shoulder (no blood).
A man tries to run over a girl and a woman with his car: the woman shoots him through the windshield, the man is struck in the head, and the young girl is struck by the car (we see the impact and see her fall to the ground); the car flips over and crashes (we see the young girl bloody and lying on the ground).
A man falls from a rooftop of a building and we see his dead body lying on the ground in a pool of blood and with a crowbar in his head.
A man burns a young girl's hand with a cigarette and a woman holds a gun to the man's head. A man hits a woman with a crowbar (we see the impact, but no blood).
We see a woman with a very swollen and purple eye and blood stained wounds around her mouth and nose.
We see people in hospital gowns lying in beds with tubes hooked to their noses, coming out of their mouths and IV needles in their hands.
Two young men harass a man and his son on a subway, steal a teen's I-pod, and they put a knife to a woman's throat.
A man restrains a woman by holding a crowbar to her neck.
The police restrain a man trying to attack an officer.
A man dies after being severely beaten; there are several references to this fact and a woman visits his grave.
We see a man hurting a dog: he pulls the leash tightly, the dog is barking and trying to free itself, and the dog's owner begs the man to let the dog go.
A woman goes to a gun shop to purchase a gun, we see several guns in cases and on the walls, and we see blank body targets hanging on the outside of the store windows.
A woman purchases a gun illegally and we see a man show her how to shoot, and she aims the gun several times and shoots.
We hear the police talk about guns, shootings, fingerprints on guns, murder weapons, women shooting themselves in the face, entry wounds, brains blown out, and women killing things they love.
A young girl is interrogated by the police because she witnessed her mother's murder.
After an attack, we see a woman afraid to go outside and afraid of normal sounds such as a horn blowing, traffic and people walking too close to her. A reference is made to the "ghost" of Eloise and talking to the dead.
A woman vomits into a toilet (we do not see but we hear).
An open fish market is shown and we see raw fish and shellfish that are still alive (we see them moving and crawling on top of each other in a pile).