Attack of the Gryphon_peliplat
Attack of the Gryphon_peliplat
Play trailer

Attack of the Gryphon (2007)

PG-13 (US) | USA, Romania | English | 89 min
Directed by: Andrew Prowse

In a far-away mystical land, two kingdoms, the Delphi and the Lockland, have been raging a civil war for nearly 300 years. With the death of his only son in battle, King Philip of Lockland has his daughter Amelia take over command of the Lockland armies against the invading Delphi, led by Prince Seth. In desperation, Philip turns to the warlock Armand to summoned the Gryphon, a giant flying lizard/lion hybrid to destroy the Delphi armies. But Armand has other plans and plots to take over both Delphi and Lockland kingdoms for himself and his two evil brides. Amelia is forced to team up with Seth to search for a mystical weapon that can kill the Gryphon, leading to the two enemy groups on a odyssey quest to find the weapon, called the Drakonian Pike, before Armand finds it to use for his own evil schemes.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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